
Minister of safety Jambon: 'We need a grown up safety culture'
Safety has always been one of this government’s top priorities. The focus on security has be- come even greater as a result of the attacks and terror threats of recent years. We have invested enormously in security, including in the area of technology.

On Wednesday 13th September 2017, Belgium’s Vias institute and the Dutch Institute for Technology, Safety & Security (DITSS) signed a collaborative agreement to guarantee the long-term exchange of knowledge on safety.

Two ultramodern drones from Vias institute are to be used by the Federal Traffic Police in the wake of accidents that occur on our motorways. These drones mean that the scene of an accident can be examined more quickly after the incident has taken place. They will…

L’intelligence ne rime avec la vigilance
Nous sommes tous des contrevenants routiers ou des générateurs potentiels des accidents. Une recherche par la psychologie, mais surtout par la psychologie sociale, peut mieux clarifier les limites du « facteur humain ». Ce document met ces phénomènes dans un contexte…

Du neuf pour l'apnée du sommeil
Critères Médicaux Syndrome d’Apnée Obstructive du Sommeil